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Step 1

Create or Restore your first wallet from the setup wizard.

Splash Create wallet

Step 2

Once you've created or restored a wallet, you'll need to restore the view-only wallet to Cake Wallet.

To restore the view-only wallet, open the Menu, select Security and backup, then select Restore View-Only Wallet from the bottom of the page.

Menu Restore View-Only Wallet

Step 3

From Cake Wallet, enter the Wallets screen from either the Menu or the button on the bottom bar. Select Restore Wallet, then select Scan QR code. Scan the view-only wallet QR code from Cupcake.

Menu Restore wallet Scan QR code

Synchronizing balance

If you're restored an existing wallet with transactions, you'll need to synchronize the balance after scanning the blockchain from Cake Wallet.

You can do this by exporting outputs from Cake Wallet, then scanning the key images from Cupcake.

From Cake Wallet, open the Menu, select Export outputs. Scan the live QR from Cupcake. If successful, Cupcake will present a QR with the key images. Scan this from Cake Wallet.